ACUSA Park is an off-road motorcycle ride park at Harrogate in the Adelaide Hills, incorporating two Natural Terrain Motocross tracks, a Trail Loop and a Junior Beginners Area, available on scheduled Ride Days for anyone with a safe and ride-worthy motorcycle.
These are controlled and safe riding environments for the whole family where juniors are supervised and separated at all times from seniors, giving new riders a great opportunity to try riding different tracks to build up their confidence and skills. A schedule for the use of each track will be in place at each Ride Day to allow for a fair rotation of rider groups, and a small junior training track has been developed for younger riders. Note it is an explicit condition of the ride permits that adults and children under 16 do not share the same track at the same time.
Full Catering services are offered on Ride Days with food and drinks available for purchase – pending availability – and we have full EFTPOS facilities for purchases and entry fees.
Ride Day Pricing
Senior (age 16+) – $60
Junior (ages 8 – 15) – $35
Mini (ages 4 – 7) – $15
PA Insurance (Optional) – $15
2025 Ride Day Dates –
Gates open at 8 am with sign-in commencing from 9am at the venue only— unfortunately, registration for ACUSA Park Ride Days is not currently available through Ridernet. A rider briefing follows before riding begins at 10 a.m. In line with local permits, Ride Days must end promptly at 3 p.m. (no exceptions).
Upon sign-in and your payment of fees, you will be provided with a wristband which must be worn throughout the day. Wristbands must be visible at all times when riding and shown to the officials each time you enter a track.
Riders must provide their own bike and safety gear. Minimum safety gear requirements for ACUSA Park Ride Days strictly follow Motorcycling Australia’s RPA Guidelines. As such, all riders must be equipped with the below items. Protective clothing of acceptable standards is the responsibility of the rider/legal guardian.
- Clothing – gloves, long sleeve jersey and long pants. Body armour is recommended for junior riders.
- Off-road Boots – constructed of leather or other similarly durable material, and be of a length which must at least overlap the trousers with the rider in a normal seated riding position on the machine.
- Helmet – Any of the following approved standards is acceptable : AS1698, Snell, JIS, FIM, ECE.
- Goggles/Eye protection
All riders must follow the directions of officials while on the property. Officials have the authority to refuse entry to the property to any person or persons.
Sign-on sheets are specifically generated for each ride day and will be available at the ACUSA Park sign-on hut. You can review the terms and conditions on these sheets at the ACUSA Park office when you pay your fee on the day of your ride.
Ride days are subject to weather conditions (particularly when very dry) and dates can be altered or cancelled at short notice. Be sure to follow our Facebook page for the most up to date details and announcements right up until each Ride Day.
The trail loop is clearly marked. Please stay on the marked track please and do not indiscriminately ride around the property. Deliberate riding off the marked track will result in your exclusion from the property.
All traffic on roadways must keep to the 10 KPH speed limit. Remember to STOP and look for traffic each time you cross the access road at the completion of your lap.
Sorry, but we are unable to cater for Quads at this time.
The total number of riders on the property or each track may be limited if unfavourable hot weather or dusty conditions persists on any given Ride Day. On busy days rider numbers will be restricted on each track and session times can be altered by officials at short notice for safety reasons.
We ask all those driving to or from the Park to drive with care on the surrounding roads. Please remember that the locals are also using the roads. Keep in mind that there is a high possibility that traffic may be coming towards you so stay to the left and drive at a safe speed.
Click HERE for directions to the park.