TROY Series SA 2020 almost ready to go & entries to open soon!
The TROY Series SA 2020 poster has now broken cover, thanks to Motorcycling SA starting to upload all of the events to its events calendar on their website, head to www.motorcyclingsa.org.au/riders/calendar for the whole calendar.
To start the year Trials SA are heading to Mungeree, complete with a Saturday coaching & practise day and no trip to Mungeree would be complete without a famous woolshed dinner – an awesome way to start the year!
Riders (junior) who need Kickstart programs or endorsements signed off will be able to get that done onsite Saturday at the coaching/practise day, with Hoges, Connor and crew on hand to coach!
The woolshed dinner will take place Saturday evening, as per previous years, menu and costs (dinner & weekend catering by Tyler & crew) will be released with the supp regs, which will be on Ridernet and the MSA website.
This is now the 11th year of TROY, and featuring Chris & Stuey on the poster this year, TROY 2020 will feature 5 rounds, with at least 1 new venue (Robertstown), which will also feature a Saturday Trials SA Coaching & Practise Day and will be a great venue for a camp out as well!
In between Mungeree and Robertstown, the Series will also visit Victor Harbor & Tungkillo for the Frank Tuck & Max Graetz Trials, before heading to the Barossa for the Series Finale’, the 47th Mountain Man Trial.
The full Series is;
Round 1 March 29 The Woolshed Trial Mungeree Team H & AJS
Round 2 April 19 The Frank Tuck Trial Victor Harbor AJS
Round 3 July 26 The Max Graetz Trial Tungkillo Gawler
Round 4 August 16 The ‘Black Mud’ Trial Robertstown Velocette
Round 5 Sept 13 The 47th Mountain Man Trial Barossa Keyneton
Rounds 1 & 4 will also feature a Saturday Trials SA Coaching & Practise Day, while round 2 will feature a Come & Try Day on the Saturday, with all events also likely to have camping available on the Saturday night.
For 10 years now TROY Series SA has been a Series that has incorporated all of the classes into 7 classes, with the classes, where possible, based predominantly on what colour split is ridden (Blue & Yellow), but this wasn’t possible across all classes, so some are based on lowest point score on the day (Red, White, Black & White and Red & White), with the Pink Class alone in being based firstly on what line the girls are riding, then on points lost.
And over these 10 years the Series has grown into a worthy Series to compliment the SA Championship event, as well as the Special Events, and with the series fluctuating between 4 & 5 rounds each year, all 5 Clubs have run rounds at some stage over the 10 years.
Classes for the 2020 Series will be
RED (Trial 1 & Trial 2)
RED & WHITE (A, B & Classic Sidecar)
PINK (Junior & Senior Women)
WHITE (Junior A & Junior B)
YELLOW (Trial 3)
BLUE (Trial 4)
BLACK & WHITE (Clubman & The Historic Classes)
AND as always, TROY will also feature non-competitive classes for MINI TRIAL (ages 4 – 7), JUNIOR and senior solo & sidecar, with all the details regarding classes and what line they ride to be included in the Supp Regs for the series.
The Series will also be supported again by Rockhopping SA & Trialsport – with thanks!
Expert coaching will be available for all riders, new and not so new, at Mungeree for round 1 of the 2020 TROY Series SA
Riders will get a bit of everything at Mungeree, from logs of all sizes, to creeks, to rocky outcrops to the hill known as the Widowmaker!