The Motorcycling SA owned facility in the Adelaide Hills is fast taking shape to be ready for the first Ride Day of 2020 on April 26th, which will now be run under the guidelines as provided by all Government departments in regards public safety from COVID-19.
One big change from 2019 will be the need for riders who are planning to attend the opening Ride Day(s) to register before-hand, not just roll up on the day, this will ensure numbers are kept to required levels.
There will be more information on how riders can register closer to the opening day, as well as any new and up to date policies regarding COVID-19 that the Park will need to follow.
The ACUSA Park Committee, along with Motorcycling SA would like to give thanks once again to the many that have donated their time to the working bees that have been happening to get the Park ready. It has been great to have your support for the venue.
If you would like to pitch in as well, the next scheduled days are;
Sat. March 21st from 8.00am until noon (If you would like to continue on we will also be there throughout the weekend and we welcome anyone that wants to stay on and lend a hand. Camping is permitted and the BBQ will be available for all to use) and Easter weekend from Friday 10th April. Coffee & tea will be supplied through the weekend.
If you are available, we would sincerely appreciate a hand if only for a few hours. If you are able to bring a trailer, chainsaw and wire cutters, bolt cutters, fencing pliers etc. it would be handy but not essential. Also bring gloves and safety glasses, etc if you have them.
Here is a quick rundown on what has been done so far;
The old fence has been removed from the dirt track and the post holes have been dug ready to replace it. Loose tyres off the motocross tracks are being removed and placed on to the outer edge of the dirt track ready to be made into a safety tyre wall. Two new junior training tracks have been constructed on the western end of track 2 (the old pits) and post holes have also been dug ready for a new fence.
A new creek crossing has been constructed on track 2 making it wider and safer while also opening up the creek flow. Thanks to some great support from companies and individuals that donated machinery over the weekend track 2 has some new dirt on it ready to be spread out, track 1 has had a creek crossing widened and the trail loop received some much needed attention and re-instating.
A new announcing tower & scoring facility has been located at the dirt track with fencing re designed to allow longer run off areas. A loading ramp has been constructed and was successfully used throughout the weekend. A clean up of the property has also taken place and will continue on.
The men’s toilet block has been stripped bare inside and is now ready for a new kit out. This this scheduled for the Easter weekend if you would like to help. New signage for the entire property has been made and ready to be placed around the property.